Rasmalai Macarons

Rasmalai Macarons are honestly the best of both worlds and belong to a world where France meets India. Rasmalai is an epic Indian sweet and a celebratory treat. If you ask me to describe Rasmalai, I would just close my eyes and imagine a cloudy mass which is subtly sweet and melts in your mouth … Continue Reading

Cotton Candy Macarons for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is designated as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Believe it or not, Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for children under 14. For the last few years, I have been raising funds for St. Jude and childhood cancer selling my handmade greeting cards. If you ask me why I support this cause … Continue Reading

World Senior Citizen’s Day

Aug 21 is World Senior Citizen’s Day! Doing something to make seniors and children feel special or helping with issues of seniors and children really brings me joy. So, Friday, Aug 21 being World Senior Citizen’s Day, I decided to go to two local senior homes and give out about 130 handmade cards and some … Continue Reading

Oreo Macarons

Oreo Macarons are something that is my personal favorite. As you know, I have been quite a a macaron pro by now. I have been making about 150 macarons a week lately. Yes, that’s a lot of baking and the summer of 2020 shall forever be known as the summer that got me started on … Continue Reading

French Macarons

French Macarons! Last week sometime I asked Mom if I could try to make French Macarons, to which she replied, “No, Macarons are a tough cookie to crack! I suggest you try something easier”. But, I so wanted to try making them. So on Saturday, while mom and dad were busy watching a movie, I … Continue Reading