If you remember, I wrote a post on the first Friendsgiving that I hosted last year, and I went into how I set up the table and whatnot. You can read it here. I didn’t think I was going to do it again given that my friends and I went to college literally all over the place in the US, but I was able to bring everyone back together for Friendsgiving once again!! 

This time, I went for a much simpler look for the table. Last year I had several bright colors and a ton of flowers everywhere, but this year I wanted to keep it clean. I really wanted to keep the theme very “earthy,” with eucalyptus leaves and baby’s breath everywhere.

I didn’t want to have arrangements of flowers like last time, so what I did was that I bought a faux eucalyptus table runner from Amazon for the center of the table, and I went to Trader Joe’s and bought even more real eucalyptus to fill in the gaps. It smelled amazing! I also bought some white rustic pumpkins of different sizes to put all around the leaves. I even added some fairy lights that I had throughout the leaves, and the table looked beautiful when the lights were out. Lastly, I bought baby’s breath from Trader Joe’s too, and I put it in these little jars, which I spread out on the table. 

I had some extra leaves and flowers, so I decided to make these little, tiny flower arrangements for each plate, along with the name tags that I made last year. I loved how it turned out!

I also used the candles, wine glasses, napkins, and cutlery from last year as well. I bought these new simple white plates, however, from TJ Maxx so that the whole table looked clean and not too cluttered. I also tied the napkins differently than last year.

Here’s a picture of all the food!!

I really liked how the table turned out this year, and it was definitely what I had envisioned. My friends and I had a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to do this all over again next year!!

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